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  4. My fire isn’t going like it used to and performs like the flue is blocked even after cleaning. What do I do?

My fire isn’t going like it used to and performs like the flue is blocked even after cleaning. What do I do?

Remove the front panel by sliding it up. If there’s a white felt material (gasket), remove this and put back front panel.

Reason for removal: The gasket is present in Pyro models pre 2015. It was initially there to insulate the bolt but we found it restricted airflow as it tore and clogged the primary air intakes causing the fire to be starved of air.

If the gasket is not there and you are still experiencing these same issues then it is likely to be one of these three reasons:

1) Use of wet or unseasoned fuel – test your wood with a moisture meter by splitting a log in two and spiking the centre. If wood is above 20% this is not ideal and you should look at getting some drier wood.

2) Flue height – it could be a case of the flue not getting enough draw so it needs to be extended to create more positive draw. Every house is different, some houses require 600mm, some 1200mm. This depends on roof configuration and external factors like neighbouring buildings, trees, cliffs & wind.

3) Operation – you may be unintentionally not allowing the cylinder to get hot enough. Leave the Turboslide open for 30-45 minutes on initial start-up and open again for approximately 5-10 minutes after refuelling to ensure the new fuel has ignited and for the cylinder to maintain an optimum temperature. 

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