Pyroclassic is now Pyro Fires
With a legacy spanning over 40 years, Pyroclassic has filled a niche for wood burning customers who valued economic heating in the most environmentally conscious way. It was not an easy decision to rebrand Pyroclassic Fires to just simply Pyro Fires.
So why did we make the change? There are a couple of reasons.
Firstly, to simplify things for our customers. Many customers thought we were named Pyroclastic Fires. For others, their smartphones were “autocorrecting” Pyroclassic to Pyroclastic. In both instances, potential customers sometimes had trouble Googling us.
Secondly, it felt like the right time as we usher in a new era for Pyro.
In 2022 we’ve taken one of our biggest ever steps towards addressing carbon emissions.
Read on to find out how you can heat your home with a zero-carbon footprint.

New Zealand’s Only Carbon Neutral Heating Solution
“In a first for the heating industry, Kiwis will be able to heat their homes with a zero-carbon footprint. We will 100% offset the amount of CO2 a Pyro wood fire will emit during its lifetime.”
Ric Chalmers
Managing Director of Pyro Fires
Zero Carbon FootPrint
Pyro Fires has teamed up with OneTreePlanted to plant over 20 native trees for every Pyro sold. According to the Tāne’s Tree Trust National Carbon Calculator, this will remove up to 10 tonnes of CO2 from the environment.
With both of our wood fires being two of New Zealand’s lowest emission wood burners, Pyro Fires can offset a year’s worth of emissions by simply planting a tree.
Choose a Pyro and enjoy all the benefits of a wood fire without risking any harm to the environment for the next twenty-plus years.

Scan to Remove a Year’s Worth of Heating Emissions
If you see a Pyro Tree in your local retailer, simply scan the QR code with your mobile phone and we’ll plant a tree for you.
By scanning the QR code, you’ll be able to offset your heating emissions for the entire year.*
*Based on a Pyro’s emissions.