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  4. Why have Pyro Fires dropped from No.1 on Consumer NZ tests on their last report?

Why have Pyro Fires dropped from No.1 on Consumer NZ tests on their last report?

Consumer Magazine recently changed the way fires are rated. This has caused some issues across the industry as what were considered the ‘best’ fires are now not rated near the top…like the Pyro Classic. They have changed the weightings of their review to focus more on price for output over emissions and efficiency as they believe this is more in line with what the customer wants.

This has resulted in a list which is more about heat output for dollars spent rather than which fires actually perform the best. It also makes no provision for servicing costs, warranty duration or expected life of the appliance and its components.

The statement we have printed in our marketing material – ‘Consistently chosen as the top pick for wood fires in all Consumer reviews’ refers to the consumer reviews across various formats in NZ, Australia and the UK over the last 30 plus years including true consumer feedback.

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